public-private partnership, efficiency, financing of public-private partnership projects, mathematical modelAbstract
This article summarises the mathematical tools for a reasonable choice the options and for public-private partnership projects' sources of funding calculating effectiveness. The study aimed to identify and analyse the prerequisites for the need to share benefits and costs in determining the effectiveness of financing public-private partnership projects. The systematisation of literature sources and approaches to addressing the problem showed that the formalised mathematical models using is a prerequisite for openness and transparency of agreements between government and business in case of the funding sources' efficiency evaluation in the public-private partnership projects.
The urgency of solving this scientific problem is that the introduction and implementation of public-private partnership projects lead to the funds' redistribution, risks and responsibilities between government and business, which will expand profitable areas for business and society.
The article presents methodological approaches to the public-private partnership project financing effectiveness assessment from own funds using the method of discounted cash flows. It is determined that the systematic own funds' reinvestment provides a gradual incomes increase, which occurs at the stage of project implementation when its results begin to give economic effect.
The methodological tools in this study were: methods of economic and mathematical modeling in calculating the financing of public-private partnership projects' effectiveness; analysis and synthesis in the effectiveness of investing and reinvesting own funds in public-private partnership projects studying. The object of this study is the financing effectiveness of public-private partnership projects' evaluating process. The results of this study can be used for solving the problems of financing the state functions in Ukraine.
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