tourism, tourist rent, tourist resources, rent paymentsAbstract
The study's relevance is determined by the critical state of the tourism industry. Taking into account that considerable state financial resources are being spent on the fight against the global pandemic, the issue of finding new funding sources for the tourism industry revival. It could be a tourist rent. This study's purpose is to determine the economic and legal basis for the tourist rent valuation. Legal acts and scientific publications on economic theory, tourism theory, and practice were used as the research's theoretical basis. The methodological basis of the research is a dialectical method, which is used to study the tourist rent essence and tourist resources as a rent-generating factor. Moreover, general scientific methods (analysis, abstraction, synthesis, generalisation) were used as the basis for a critical evaluation of the theoretical knowledge system and for the proposals' formulation about establishing the economic and legal dimension of tourist rent as a factor of the Ukrainian tourism self-development. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in clarifying the economic essence of tourist rent, the concept of “tourist resources”, establishing the legal prerequisites for its occurrence, and methods of its value measurement. The research results' practical significance lies in the presented recommendations, which implementation can improve the mechanism of rent relations in the tourism field. Prospects for further research will consist in the development of scientific and methodological provisions and practical recommendations for the tourist rent attraction and rent payments to the self-financing measures system, regional and national financing of the national tourism development.
Keywords: tourism, tourist rent, tourist resources, rent payments
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