



state regulatory policy, socially oriented policy, economic relations, state regulation, small and medium entrepreneurship, small and medium business financing instruments


Formation of regulatory state policy concerning a new socially oriented type of state policy mainly involves the introduction of such methods and state regulation tools of economic relations that would allow achieving the greatest balance and optimal combination of business freedom based on fair market regulators, the interests of the whole society and the creation of conditions for the state and its citizen welfare, ensuring sustainable development.

Legal bases and requirements for the development of socially oriented state policy in the regulation sphere of economic relations are defined by the Agreement on Association between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and its Member States, on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement on Association with the EU”). So, according to Art. 85 Agreement on Association with the EU in Ukraine provides for the mutual liberalization of the conditions for business establishment, trade in services, cooperation in the field of electronic commerce, Art. 343 provides for the formulation and implementation of market economic policies



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