investment project, project financing, financial model, financial flow, financial results, financial modelingAbstract
The article explores the main directions for improving the management of the investment process on the basis of the development and use of the financial model of the investment project, which is proposed to be considered as a decision making tool at all stages of financing. From a practical point of view, such a model is a digital form of presenting the results of the calculation and analysis of the main parameters of the investment project in order to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of its implementation.
The purpose and main tasks of the development and use of the financial model of the investment project, which consists in ensuring its functionality, accuracy and reliability of the calculations, coverage of all stages of implementation and the main indicators of the project, informativeness, as well as ease of use for the purpose of effective project management, are determined. The basic principles of model formation, which include integrity, systemicity, uniformity, transparency and consistency, are distinguished.
The methodology and sources for forming the Book of assumptions and input data collection for building a financial model are described. Its structure and conditions, which form the level of validity and reliability of the results of calculations, are determined. The sequence of actions of project managers regarding the development, verification and use of the financial model in project financing is characterized.
The system of indicators, which, in a generalized way, characterize the main results of the project implementation, its investment attractiveness, sustainability and economic efficiency, is defined. The factors of sensitivity of the investment project to the influence of external and internal shocks are described. The necessity of using a single methodology and unification of the financial indicators and calculation processes used in the construction of the financial model to optimize financial flows and improve project risk management is proved
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