


sustainable development, institution of property, rent, rent theory, rent accounting


Research relevance lies in the irreversibility of course choice for embodiment of the sustainable development concept. However, a pluralism of opinions, concerning the implementation of model definition of this concept, as well as the priority tasks for realization of its constituents significantly decelerates the socio-economic development of Ukraine. An inadequate scientific research of the sustainable development problems on a microeconomic level generates the reduction of expected management results and the degree of progressive changes at the level of individual business units. The role and transformation of accounting science, necessary for the implementation of the sustainable development concept, are not fully disclosed.
The research purpose and tasks are to determine the accounting component of sustainable development concept on the basis of the rent theory, to outline the directions of rent accounting development under the following factors influence: globalization and transformation of the ownership institution and scientific research activation on this basis, aimed at forming the theoretical and methodological baseline of rent accounting ‘as an additional income.
The methodology of the research includes general scientific methods of cognition the necessity and invariant implementation of the sustainable development concept, its constituents allocation and specification; dialectical method for cognition the economic content of rent; a comparative analysis of the definition differences, formed at different stages and forms of realization of economic relations; modeling method for determining the direction and logic of the rent accounting development under the influence of such factors, as globalization and ownership institution transformation.
It has been established that realization of sustainable development concept should take place with understanding of the interaction mechanisms of economic, social and environmental components. These generate new ideas about the basic socialization mechanisms and social development of human, external influences on the environment and cost estimation. The interconnection of the constituent of sustainable development concepts and the economic, social and ecological system as a whole is the basis for the theory and practice development of accounting. The accounting information creates preconditions for assessing the achievement and forecasting of further sustainable development of the economy as a separate economic entity, region, country, and the world as a whole. It has been established that the existence of discussion aspects in the treatment of rent and failure to recognize the last object of accounting should be considered as one of the essential factors in accelerating the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Bearing the results of research in mind, the development of a conceptual approach to rent accounting, as an additional entity income, should be based on the recognition the rent as a management object, that requires adequate
information support for users’ requests from the accounting system side, based on the systematic development of the theoretical, methodological and organizational-practical regulations of rent accounting.
The practical value of research is to formulate a methodological provision of rent accounting, which will further improve an active and passive income distribution of relation participants in the economic sphere. 
The obtained scientific results will form the prospects for further research, which will lay in proving the need for the transformation of the property institute in the post-Soviet countries, to determine the models of rent relations between different parties in the field of economic relations, as well as to determine the rent-forming factors of production for the development of the rent assessing methodology.


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