real estate, housing prices, factors, analysisAbstract
In recent years the polish real estate market has been characterised by a significant increase in supply and demand. This was facilitated by a number of macroeconomic factors. In recent years, housing has been commissioned as 30 years ago. Therefore, the depth analysis issue of the causes and consequences for the Polish economy of these trends is now relevant. Among the reasons are significant economic growth, low interest rates on loans, rising welfare, low unemployment, stable inflation and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic. We assess these and other reasons in this article in order to further forecast the real estate market's indicators.
In addition, the Poland society is characterised by a significant proportion of those who want to own housing, not rent it. This is due to historical events and the incomes level of the population, which is still one of the poorest among the European Union member states, therefore real estate ownership is a sign of households' stability and economic security. At the same time, the purchase of housing is influenced by rather low interest rates on loans, which encourage the population to use the opportunities to buy housing on credit. That is why a significant amount of real estate is built for credit resources and purchased in this way.
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