


cash, non-cash payments, cash circulation, non-cash circulation, banking system


This study contributes to the scientific literature, emphasizing the urgency of the problem of withdrawal of funds from circulation, reducing cash turnover in the economies of different countries in order to minimize the risks associated with its use.
Reducing cash flow is a task that requires solving economic, political, social, administrative, psychological problems. The general decrease in the volume of cash will lead to lower inflation, the risk of money laundering, terrorist financing, improve the investment climate, liberalize the credit market and more.
Despite the rather long time during which the chosen topic is researched by scholars and studied in practice at the level of states, intergovernmental associations, banks, there is still a significant share of cash transactions with a general tendency to increase non-cash transactions both in number and amount. . Therefore, it is important to obtain and analyze relevant information, review forecasts, clarify plans, which is why this study is primarily devoted.
The transition to non-cash payments is associated with a number of obstacles and challenges, so the author analyzes the determinants of implementation and the effectiveness of non-cash turnover substantiates which socio-economic factors constrain the use of non-cash transactions. The demand for the use of non-cash payments depends on the level of use of funds in the country, and on how quickly society will be able to give up physical money. The positive aspects of the impact of non-cash circulation on the country's economy, public administration, industry and society have been identified.
Statistics show that the preference for certain types of payment instruments, cash or non-cash payment depends on the level of economic development of the country, traditions, habits and areas of economic activity in societies.
This article considers and analyzes the current state of cash circulation in individual countries, the ratio of cash to total assets of global technology companies from 2007 to 2019; cash use forecasts in different countries are displayed.
In addition, the issue of cybersecurity, which should be given special attention when it comes to payments using special means of payment in general, and on the Internet in particular, is not ignored.


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Author Biography

Mariia Lutsyk, Banking University

Postdoctoral student


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How to Cite

Lutsyk, M. (2020). CURRENT STATE OF CASH CIRCULATION AND CASHLESS CALCULATIONS. European Cooperation, 2(46), 41–54.