


financial rent, corporate finance, financial resources, financial instrument, accounting of financial rent


Research of issues related to financial leasing has occupied a prominent position in economic science since the mid-20th century in countries with market economies due to the growing role of financial capital and formation of the stock market. Due to its significance, the concept of financial rent was investigated in the context of the development of neoclassical economic theory, its modern modifications, as well as the management theory. Some issues of financial rent were developed within the classical theory - the concept of ideal capital markets. The issues of the nature and types of financial rent are covered from the standpoint of financial mathematics. Some scientists believe that financial rent is a type of economic rent, so it should be reflected in the accounting. Inadequate attention to rent significantly increases the risk of an uncertain estimate of the financial condition of enterprises, and affects the objectivity and efficiency of making managerial decisions. As a result, there is a need for the development of theoretical and methodological, organizational and practical provisions of rent accounting,
which will allow forming comprehensive and reliable information for management of a business entity.


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How to Cite

Bardash, S., Petruk, A., & Osadcha, T. (2019). IDENTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RENT: FROM THEORY OF RENT TO ITS ACCOUNTING. European Cooperation, 1(41), 18–37.