


natural rent, rental relations, rental payments, sustainable development


The urgency of the research consists in the imperfection of the mechanism of allocation and redistribution of natural rent, which significantly slows down the process of implementation of the sustainable development concept in Ukraine, both at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. The purpose and the objective of the research are to identify causes of unfair withdrawal and distribution of rental payments and the search for approaches to solve them considering the interests of the state, business entities that carry out economic activities using natural resources generating rent, and citizens of the country. To solve the research tasks and achieve the set purpose, the dialectical approach was used to assess the level of development of the formation, distribution and redistribution of natural rent; the system analysis was used to identify problems and substantiate measures of the state regulatory policy as to the redistribution of natural rent among entities of rental relations, as well as to determine areas for further use of rental income by business entities; the comparative analysis was applied to study the experience of using instruments, methods and levers of distribution and redistribution of rent;  the statistical methods was used to analyse the main indicators of distribution and redistribution of natural rent in the national economy; the abstract-logical method was applied to substantiate the basic theoretical provisions, formulation of conclusions. It is proved that the existing distribution of natural rent in Ukraine is imperfect due to the existence of a number of legal and fiscal-distributive issues. The model of the regulation mechanism of rental relations, which considers all entities of such relations, as well as requirements, the implementation of which brings the national economy essentially closer to the desired parameters of sustainable development, is proposed. The primary measures for transformation of the regulation mechanism of rental relations and directions of use of rental income by the business entity are determined. The practical significance of the research is to determine the necessary conditions and limitations of functioning of implementation mechanism of rental relations, as well as to determine the priorities of development of economic entities receiving natural rent.

The obtained results will form the prospects for further research, which will consist of recommendations for practical implementation of the proposed regulation mechanism of rental relations.


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Author Biographies

Sergiy Bardash, National University of Life and Environmental sciences of Ukraine

Professor at the Department of Agricultural Consulting and Tourism

Tatiana Osadcha, Kherson State University

Professor at the Department of Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship


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